Talkin' english

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 42
Registriert: 11.09.2005
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Talkin' english

Beitragvon Nissa » Do 22 Sep, 2005 20:49

Hello folks. No, english isn’t my foreign language and my english isn’n the best, too. I read it very well but I’ve got problems with speaking and writing. So I decided to start this thread, hoping I ‘m able to practice and improve my english with others and having fun in another laguage, too. I’m hoping I find other users, who are thinking this is a nice idea^^
Please feel free to talk about everything that cross your mind.
There are only two rules. Please don’t use german and please don’t write one-word-answers. That is not the aim of this thread.
If you find spelling or grammar mistakes, don’t hesistate to point them out, after all we want to learn something here.^^
Nobody is perfect so don’t be shy^^

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 34
Registriert: 22.07.2005
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Beitragvon sunshine90 » Do 22 Sep, 2005 21:01

hi nissa :D
it's good to know,that i'm not the only one,who's not good in speaking/writing english ;) so i find,that this thread is a good idea :D
so,how are you?whatdid you do today?

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 42
Registriert: 11.09.2005
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Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitragvon Nissa » Do 22 Sep, 2005 21:10

Hello sunshine. It's nice you like the idea^^
I'm feeling exhausted. I went working today. If you can call ist working... I'm doing a traineeship at the moment, so I DO lots of work but don't earn anything. That isn't fair >.< But I supose, that's life.
What did you do today? Went to school?

Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Lucius » Do 22 Sep, 2005 21:10

lol very nice beginnig sunshine ;)
is this thread gonna be a shout-box or on what topics you wanna talk abot nissa??

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 25
Registriert: 06.08.2005
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Beitragvon Federchen » Do 22 Sep, 2005 21:17

starting this thread was a very good idea, nissa.
i like english as a language indeed. so i reckon you will see me here a lot of times....
"If you want to know what a man's like,
take a good look at how he treats his inferiors,
not his equals."

Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 42
Registriert: 11.09.2005
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Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitragvon Nissa » Do 22 Sep, 2005 22:15

I don't want to restrict the topic to much, because I think it won't receive very much feedback and I'm afraid any restriction will kill the thread ;-)
But I think, we could start with our relationship with the english language.
How long do/did you learn it? Do you learn it at school? Do you ever went to GB or the USA? Why do you like english? And so on^^

Oh, something different. Some time ago I experienced someting funny. After reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I've read it without a break in 14 hours) I noticed, that I was beginning to form thoughts in english insted of german. It was very funny. Have you ever noticed something familiar? Beginning to think in another language?
I was told, that some exchange students actually begin to dream in english.

Welt des Dunkels
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Alter: 36
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Beitragvon Lucius » Do 22 Sep, 2005 22:20

yes it´s normally for them to dream and to think in english...last year many of my friends went to usa and new zealand...they told me the same ...
unfortunately i had no exchange :( but on the world youth day my family had 2 italian girls and nobody of us could speak italian so we had to talk in english...
it was very funny :D on the world youth day i made my biggest experience with english-speaking....i told with americans and was soo funny :D

Drizzt Do'Urden
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Beitragvon Drizzt Do'Urden » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 08:07

Hi all,

This sounds like a very good idea. I think it is especially important in today's globalized world view to be able to express yourself in english.

For me, it is daily business, as I am working for a global enterprise. I am working with many colleagues from other countries, so english becomes second nature.

Also, in private, I very much enjoy reading english literature. It very much gives you the edge in conversations, later. Movies in english also ad to the feeling, as does watching news from Sky, for example.

Well, I hope we will enjoy this experience here, all togehter.


Artemis: I draw first blood! Drizzt: Last counts.

Elinore Falk
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Beitragvon Elinore Falk » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 08:45


That is a very good idea, an threat with english talking people :) . My english is'nt the best too, but I learn it in small steps ;) .
In my schooltime I hated english. My teacher liked to talk about her great relatives but not to teach us. It was no way to find some sympathy with english.
Now, I read Potter in english since the third book and I love it. My english get better, I understand more and sometimes I think about dialoges in english for my fanfictions ^^ .
Black hair, a hooked nose and dark eye's, cold and empty.
Order of the Half-Blood Prince

Drizzt Do'Urden
Geschlecht: Männlich
Registriert: 22.07.2005
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Beitragvon Drizzt Do'Urden » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 09:11

El, marvellous. Great to hear that.

Actually, I had english as a major in sixth grade, but I couldn't use it much. I always liked the language, as opposed to french, but then, if you do not have the opportunity to use it regularly, it degrades rather fast.

Later on, I spent many vacations in places like the United Kingdom, the US or Canada. Developed the passion for english literature there, too.

Well, and now, it is almost so natural, that I even don't thing about it, while I switch to english in business...

Artemis: I draw first blood! Drizzt: Last counts.

Held des Lichts
Welt des Zwielichts
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Beitragvon Hermione » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 09:47


at first I'll say, that my english isn't very good, too. Since one year I Haven't any englishlessons in school. And the lessons before aren't very good, cause my teacher teaches us subjects from the 5th class. And that in the 10th class....

but I find it funny to speak and write in english to have fun and learn the lenguage. So, have fun and write!!! *g*

Akascha les innocent
Geschlecht: Weiblich
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Beitragvon Akascha les innocent » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 10:21

Hello everybody!

I was bad in English, too. More than a year ago I tried to read Harry Potter 1 in English, but it did not work. But now I have to use my English every day, because I am in Finland as an exchange student. I am going to stay here for a year. I am reading Harry Potter 6 in English and it ist not so difficult I have thought.

Read you later!

Lady Midnight
Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
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Beitragvon Lady Midnight » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 12:42

Hello @ all ;)

I don't know if I really should write in this Thread, because my english is very very very... baaadd!! But I do, because I want to talk with you.

So, I learn English just since 4 Years, so, you have to excuse me pls =)
My teacher was a stupid man.. Joa, good Idea with the thread ;)

Cu =)
"You do not fear... You do not falter. You do not yield."

dustin potter
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Beitragvon dustin potter » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 13:31

very wel,is was a gud idee from you to do that,interreting very interresting,and now aboutt what we talk.
bester call of duty spieler deutschlands

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Lady Midnight
Held des Dunkels
Welt des Dunkels
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 35
Registriert: 18.08.2005
Beiträge: 13643
Wohnort: Velaris

Beitragvon Lady Midnight » Fr 23 Sep, 2005 13:34

About your english *g* :lol: No, we have to talk about our english lessons...
"You do not fear... You do not falter. You do not yield."